Document formatting services offered by us can take out all formatting of the existing document and apply customized styles to a large number of documents. We can totally change the design and layout of existing Word documents and make them look really appealing.

No matter what volume of documents you have for formatting, it sure does make sense to outsource them. Formatting a word document needs a lot of time and specialized effort. If you outsource the document formatting services to us, you can save a lot of time that can be utilized in other productive work. Also, you can avail of specialized services at a reasonable rate with Global Digital DTP.

We offer document formatting services that include not only proofreading for formatting consistency in your documents but also working through the initiative to make improvements in ways you would not even have considered.

Document Formatting Services

Our Document Formatting Services

Typing a page in Microsoft Word may be easy, but formatting it to create an attractive document with clean, consistent text, numbering, bullet points, headings, tables, graphics, headers, contents tables, and references can take forever! Fortunately, we have the expertise to meet your requirements and give your document the perfect, professional finish, at a very competitive price. Unlike other companies, our popular service offers an unlimited number of revisions to meet your every need.

Document formatting, especially MS Word or MS PowerPoint formatting, is a time-consuming and laborious process. But not when you leave it to the experts. Our document formatting service has experts who have formatted thousands of pages for various documents such as proposals, theses, reports, white papers, annual reports, forms, and presentations. Our document formatting service offers the following:

  • File – Clean up the whole document for spacing and inconsistency
  • Style – Apply relevant style based on the type of document
  • Title and Headings – Ensure proper and consistent font and size
  • Tables, Figures, and Artwork – Proper size and format
  • Branding – Ensure your branding is visible in terms, of color, logo, fonts
  • Headers and Footers – Automatic header and footer
  • Table of contents – Ensure a list of all content is present for easy navigation
Document Formatting Services

Procedure Followed for Document Formatting Services

We have designed a schematic document formatting service process to perform the work with high efficiency and top-notch quality results. The steps to perform document formatting work are as follows:

  • Step 1: Send your documents to be formatted to our team with all the details mentioned.
  • Step 2: We will check the documents and select the most suitable method to perform your work.
  • Step 3: Our team will perform the document formatting service with high quality and fast TAT.
  • Step 4: To deliver you top notch quality results, we go through a strict quality check round.
  • Step 5: The final files of formatted documents will be sent to your company staff within the deadlines.
  • Free Trial Run: If you want to check the quality work of our experts, send us the sample piece of your project and we will send you the results for free within a short span of time.

Why Outsource Your Document Formatting at Global Digital DTP

Especially when it comes to Microsoft Office packages, the vast majority of people have some experience in writing documents and at least a small level of understanding of formatting basics. But formatting at a professional level to make a real impact takes time, skill, and experience. The benefit of this is keeping to your deadlines, offering professional-looking, accurate documents to your clients, and in the process, also saving you time and money. Document consistency, readability, and ease of access can be critical for clients publishing documents internally and/or externally. Elements in a document that many would view as somewhat meaningless can make a real visual and syntactical impact when used correctly.

If a book or text is a person, the formatting and typesetting are the first impressions. Readers take in the visual aspects of a document long before reading any text. Formatting inconsistencies, overly long paragraphs, poorly sized margins, and broken hyperlinks are not pleasing to the eye, and can easily put off readers long before you have got your message across. A well formatted, easy to read document makes a good first impression. It invites a reader to take the text seriously and to be optimistic about what it has to offer.

Benefits of Using Our Outsourcing Document Formatting Services

Global Digital DTP formatters work hard to ensure consistency and accuracy within your documents. Formatting work requires a keen eye as well as skills in proofreading, correcting, amending, inserting, writing, and artwork-checking documents. Get the best quality results and the most reliable outsourcing solutions from our skilled team for your document formatting work. Avail the benefits of our services as:

  • High-end-quality results are delivered for your document formatting work by our team.
  • We are a highly trusted and reliable outsourcing partner company based in India.
  • Save on your budget by outsourcing document formatting services at cost-effective rates.
  • We aim to deliver high-accuracy results along with a fast turnaround time.
  • State of the art technology is implemented at our company for reliable results.
  • You can rely on our document security systems for your shared business documents.
  • Our experts perform bulk volume document formatting services in the given time frames.
  • Get your queries and doubts resolved by our expert team.
  • Our professionals will deliver you tailored formatting services for all your outsourcing needs.

Perfect Formatting Every Time

Our expert formatting team will format your document according to your exact specifications, making your work look as good as it reads. Our formatting service is comprehensive and fully customisable. Commonly chosen formatting options include:

  • Font colours, sizing and attributes
  • Margin and Tab measurements
  • Page Numbers and Hyperlinks
  • Creating a cover page
  • Adding page numbers
  • Inserting section or page breaks
  • Adding headers and footers
  • Generating a dynamic table of contents
  • Inserting dynamic lists of charts, figures, and tables
  • Adding captions to charts, figures, and tables
  • Applying consistent fonts, spacing, and margins
  • Adding columns and borders
  • Proofreading for incorrectly used shortcuts/inaccuracies (e.g. multiple spacing where tabs should be used), and many more…

Formatting Made Easy

When you add our document formatting service at checkout, you’ll get two easy options to choose from:

Choose A Proofed Formatting Template

Based on our experience formatting thousands of documents, we’ve developed in-house templates for many different kinds of documents, such as books and reports. After checkout, you’ll be prompted to choose a template, and we’ll format your document accordingly.

Set Your Own Specifications

If you have a specialist document, or simply want to choose your own custom formatting, you can provide your own formatting specifications, either by providing a link to a formatting guide or using our interactive form to specify what you need.

For more information on our document formatting services, send us an email at info@globaldigitaldtp, or Get a Quote for your project.